Sell your renewable power with the feed-in tariff
Renewable energy generators can sell power back to us. Please note, availability is limited.
We offer options for customers wanting to install renewable energy sources to their homes and businesses. However, we are not affiliated with any developers that may offer incentives or pricing options. Remember to educate yourself on any program offering to determine if it is the best fit for you.
Program details
- Must be an existing electric customer
- Must be wind, solar or sustainable biomass or biogas projects
- Supports generation projects from 3 kW - 1 MW (varies by technology)
- Interconnection and Renewable Power Purchase Agreements are required
- Customer is responsible for infrastructure upgrades and installation costs
- Customer is responsible for maintenance of the generating device and interconnection wiring
- Customer transfers all rights to environmental assets from the sale of energy
- Receive payment for the amount of energy generated:
Technology | Range | Purchase Rate per kWh Allocation II | Status |
Micro-Wind (1 ᶲ only) | 3-10 kW | $0.2300 | Open for application |
Intermediate Wind (3 ᶲ only) | >10-200 kW | $0.1380 | Open for application |
Micro-Solar (1 ᶲ only) | 5-10 kW | $0.1564 | Open for application |
Intermediate Solar (3 ᶲ only) | >10-200 kW | $0.1380 | Closed |
Biomass (3 ᶲ only) | 100 kW-1 MW | </=$0.0918 | Open for application |
Install or connect your equipment
The following information will assist you with the interconnection process. The level and type of interconnection will vary with the type of customer and the size of the generator.
Research the interconnection process to understand all requirements (including potential municipal restrictions, building and zoning requirements, insurance requirements, safety regulations, application fees, installation, electrical requirements and more).
- Engineering Standards – Requirements and guidelines for interconnection of customer owned, Distributed Resource generation source, to our electric system.
- Tariffs – Approved rates & charges and rules & regulations for the program.
- Indiana Administrative Code Rule 4 - Instructions for cogeneration and alternate energy production facilities.
Submit application
For technologies where there are more requests than there is available capacity, applications will be accepted on a first-come-first-serve basis. Email completed applications to or mail printed applications to 801 E. 86th Avenue, Attention: New Business, Merrillville, IN 46410.
10 kW and below
There is no application fee for Level 1.
Greater than 10 kW
Level 2 application (>10 kW to 2 MW) has a non-refundable fee of $50.00 and $1.00 per kW and must be submitted with the application.
Technical review
We review your application and provide next steps. A technical review is conducted to determine if the project can move forward, or if an additional study is needed to determine the impact to the broader electric distribution system. This additional study may be required before moving to the next step.
You sign applicable agreements and return them to us to be approved.
Approvals and construction
Once all approvals are complete, construction begins and meters are installed. Customers have 12 months from the execution of the agreements to complete the project.
We understand that the interconnection process can be complex, but we’re here to help. If you have any questions about the process, or other questions related to renewable energy, please contact