Lock in your natural gas supply price
Our Price Protection Service allows you to lock in your natural gas commodity price so you won't have any surprises when you open your monthly gas bill. Your bill is made up of delivery and supply charges. While delivery charges remain relatively stable, your commodity charge can be impacted by weather, gas production levels, the economy and more.
Two options to control your bill
Compare | Fixed Price Option | Capped Price Option |
What You Get | Gives you price certainty and predictability | Gives you price security with flexibility |
How You Pay | Guarantees your price per therm will be the same for 12 months. Avoids fluctuations in market prices | Guarantees your price per therm will not exceed a preset amount for 12 months, even if prices increase |
What You Pay | Your fixed price | The lessor of the standard natural gas rate or your capped price, and a monthly service fee |
Current Price | $0.659/therm | $0.525/therm |
Service Fee | No service fee | Residential: $15.09 monthly (Rate 311) Non-Residential: $0.185/therm monthly (Rates 315, 321 and 325) |
All prices effective January 18, 2025
How to enroll
To enroll or learn more, call 1-800-448-2026 during business hours.
Use these sample calculations below to see how the Fixed and Capped Price Options work.
Fixed Price Option
Example Price
- $1.00/therm
Month A: Current GCA Price = $1.10/therm
Your Fixed Price of $1.00/therm would be used to calculate your Gas Commodity charge. If you use 100 therms of gas, your charge would be:
- 100 therms x $1.00 = $100.00
Month B: Current GCA Price = $0.90/therm
Your Fixed Price of $1.00/therm would be used to calculate your Gas Commodity charge. If you use 100 therms of gas, your charge would be:
- 100 therms x $1.00 = $100.00
Service Fee
- Residential customer = $0.00
- Commercial customer = (100 therms x $0.12) = $12.00
Remember – Your Gas Delivery and other Gas Supply charges will still be billed separately, whether or not you choose PPS. The values used in the Example Calculations above are for demonstration purposes only, and do not reflect current PPS Capped option pricing and fees.
Capped Price Example
Example Prices
- Capped Price is $1.20/therm
- Residential Capped Price Service Fee = $9.99
- Commercial Capped Price Service Fee = $0.12/therm
Month A: Current GCA Price = $1.30/therm
Your Capped Price Commodity Charge would be used to calculate your gas commodity charge. Assuming you use 100 therms of gas, your Commodity charge would be:
- (100 therms x $1.20) = $120.00
Month B: Current GCA Price = $1.00/therm
The current GCA Price would be used to calculate your Commodity charges. Assuming you use 100 therms of gas, your Commodity charge would be:
- (100 therms x $1.00) = $100.00
Service Fee
- Residential customer = Fixed charge of $9.99
- Commercial customer = (100 therms x $0.12) = $12.00
Remember – Your Gas Delivery and other Gas Supply charges will still be billed separately, whether or not you choose PPS. The values used in the example calculations above are for demonstration purposes only, and do not reflect current PPS Capped Option pricing and fees.
Frequently asked questions
Does the PPS price include Interstate Transportation charges?
No, the Interstate Transportation charge is included in the Interstate Transportation and Storage Charges line, under the Gas Supply Charges section of your bill. This charge is the same for bundled gas customers as it is for those customers on the PPS program.
Thank you for your response.
Why is NIPSCO offering PPS?
Customers have expressed an interest in price certainty and security for gas commodity costs, so we’re offering this program to better meet your needs.
Thank you for your response.
Will NIPSCO always offer the same PPS price?
No. NIPSCO will adjust PPS prices offered to customers whenever the projection of the future market price of natural gas allows a decrease or forces an increase. However, these price changes will not affect anyone who has already enrolled in PPS during their contract term.
Thank you for your response.
How does the PPS Fixed Price option work?
With the PPS Fixed Price option, you pay the same price per therm for natural gas for a 12-month period. Changes in the market price of natural gas will not affect the price you pay. If market prices go up, you’ll continue to pay the same rate. If prices go down, you’ll still pay the rate you signed up for. However, the gas delivery charges on your bill will still vary from month to month depending on how much gas you use.
Thank you for your response.
How does the PPS Capped Price option work?
The Gas Commodity charge for each therm of gas will be capped for 12 months. You will pay the lesser of the Gas Commodity charge approved by the IURC or the PPS Capped Price. In addition, you will pay a Capped Service Fee. The Capped Price option provides Gas Commodity charge security because you will never pay more then the Capped Price plus the Capped Service Fee.
Thank you for your response.
What happens if I move?
If you are a residential customer on Rate 311 and move, but continue to receive gas service from NIPSCO at the new address, you can assume the PPS agreement at the new location if you notify NIPSCO within thirty days of shut-off at the current service address. You may, transfer the agreement to the new occupant with the new occupant’s consent. If the PPS agreement is not transferred to the new occupant and you do not assume the PPS agreement at your new location, termination fees will not be applied to your NIPSCO account.
Thank you for your response.
If I enroll in PPS, are there any penalties or cancellation fees if I change my mind?
If the PPS agreement is terminated prior to the end of the agreement period, early termination fees will be charged. Please see the PPS service agreement for complete termination fee details.
Thank you for your response.
Can I stay on NIPSCO’s BudgetPlan if I enroll in PPS?
Yes. The BudgetPlan is a complement to PPS.
Thank you for your response.
Will I save money if I enroll in PPS?
The purpose of PPS is to provide price certainty. While the focus is not on savings, some PPS customers have experienced lower monthly gas bills.
Thank you for your response.
How do I sign up for PPS?
To enroll in PPS, call us toll free at 1-800-448-2026.
Thank you for your response.
Do I have to do anything at the end of my contract term?
For your convenience, the PPS agreement will automatically renew at the end of your contract term unless you choose to cancel by notifying NIPSCO prior to the end of your agreement. NIPSCO will notify you on your 11th PPS bill what the renewal price will be for the subsequent term.
Thank you for your response.
Service Agreement
This Agreement is hereby entered into for the Price Protection Service ("PPS"). The Parties agree to the following terms and conditions:
1. Fixed Price. NIPSCO guarantees that, during the Term of this Agreement, Customer's Gas Commodity Charge will be a pre-determined amount per therm.
Capped Price. NIPSCO guarantees that, during the Term of this Agreement, Customer's Gas Commodity Charge will be the lesser of a predetermined amount per therm approved by the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission in the Gas Cost Adjustment or the capped price. Customer agrees to pay an additional pre-determined Capped Price Service fee.
Fixed and Capped Price. The Gas Commodity Charges for the Fixed and Capped Price options do not include your Gas Delivery Charge or other Gas Supply Charges such as; Interstate Transportation and Storage charges. These charges will appear separately on your bill.
2. Term. This Agreement will be effective for a twelve-month period beginning on the first day after Customer's next regularly scheduled meter reading. This Agreement will be automatically renewed for additional twelve-month periods unless Customer provides NIPSCO a notice of termination prior to the end of any twelve-month Term. Customer will be notified of any price change effective during the subsequent twelve-month Term on the Customer's NIPSCO bill on the eleventh month of service for the current Term.
3. Termination. Customer may cancel this Agreement free of charge or penalty by calling NIPSCO at 1-800-448-2026 within five business days of Customer enrolling. Once this Agreement has become effective after this five day period, Customer can terminate this Agreement for any reason at any time. However, if this Agreement is terminated prior to the end of an annual Term, Customer agrees to pay an Early Termination Fee (6 month maximum) for each month remaining in the Term as follows:
Rate 311 customers - $20/month
Rate 315 customers - $200/month
Rate 321 customers - $200/month
Rate 325 customers - $2000/month
If Customer chooses to cancel this Agreement before the end of the Term but continues to receive gas delivery service from NIPSCO at the current address after cancellation, then the customer agrees to pay the Early Termination Fee. If Customer moves from Service Address, no Early Termination Fee will be charged. The new occupant of this Service Address may, with Customer's consent, assume this Agreement for the remaining months of its Term. The PPS program is subject to IURC regulatory approval. In the event that the approval for PPS should lapse, this agreement shall be cancelled and the customer will be returned to NIPSCO's standard gas service and no Early Termination Fees will be charged.
4. Other Conditions. PPS charges will be separately stated on the same bill Customer receives from NIPSCO for other service. In the event of a disagreement with PPS or PPS charges, Customer should immediately call NIPSCO at 1-800-448-2026 or write to NIPSCO at 801 East 86th Avenue, Merrillville, Indiana 46410. NIPSCO will work with Customer to resolve any dispute within five business days. Customer also has the right to contact the Office of Utility Consumer Counselor ("OUCC") at 1-888-441-2494 or via the Internet at http://www.in.gov/oucc with any questions, concerns, or conflicts regarding PPS. The OUCC is the State Agency with the statutory responsibility of representing consumers on all Utility matters.
Revised 09/2024